Email District III (605) 665-4408



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About Us

Planning and Development District III is a voluntary association of county, municipal and tribal governments.

Planning and Development District III service area includes 15 counties, 60 cities and 3 tribal governments in Southcentral & Southeast South Dakota

Planning and Development District III service area includes 15 counties in Southcentral & Southeast South Dakota - Aurora, Bon Homme, Brule, Buffalo, Charles Mix, Davison, Douglas, Gregory, Hanson, Hutchinson, Jerauld, Lyman, Sanborn, Tripp, and Yankton. Within our 15 counties are 3 tribal Governments - Crow Creek, Lower Brule Sioux, and Yankton Sioux. Also within our service area are 60 cities. The 2020 Census total population of the region is 100,636 with 13,218 square miles.

District III has a strong record of local support. Its membership has given the organization the freedom to expand services and professional relationships as regional needs evolved.

Meet the Team

Our humans are here for you.

Lori Cowman

Executive Director Call Lori

Serves as Director for District III as well as the manager of the Areawide Business Council revolving loan fund.

Harry Redman

GIS Coordinator Call Harry

Over 25 years of GIS experience with 9-1-1 data sets, GPS collection, Parcel Mapping, Utility Mapping, Disaster Recovery, and handles special project our clients may have.

Greg Atkinson

Sr GIS Analyst/Programer Call Greg

Over 15 years of GIS experience with creating and maintaining tax parcel databases. Utilizes Python, Javascript and VB scripts to automate complex tasks including data processing and manipulation and custom GIS layer creation. Handles our custom web development for our GIS websites.

Eric Ambroson

Community Development Specialist Call Eric

Application development for a wide variety of projects, including fire halls, housing, libraries, community centers, and water & wastewater facilities. Also specializes in comprehensive plans, housing assessments and statistical research.

Brian McGinnis

Community Development Specialist Call Brian

Land use planning, zoning and subdivision regulations, financial and technical assistance, application development, project administration, request for proposals, ordinances, special purpose districts, and Regional Food Business Center primary contact.

John Clem

Community Development Specialist Call John

Application development and project administration for a wide variety of programs, including CDBG, EDA, DANR, USDA, DOT, FEMA, and LWCF. Development of Pre-Disaster Mitigation plans.


Sue Stoll

Associate State Director / Yankton Regional Director South Dakota Small Business Development Center Call Sue

Provides no-cost professional consulting services to start-up and existing businesses in South Dakota.

Teresa Kokesh

Areawide Business Council / SBDC Business Consultant Call Teresa

Provides no-cost professional consulting services to start-up and existing businesses in South Dakota and assists in managing the Areawide Business Council revolving loan fund.

Jen Moser

Contracting Specialist / Administrative Professional Call Jen

Assists businesses with government contracting regulations. Helps with free SAM registration. Provides overall clerical, technical and administrative support to District III staff.

Carrie Hauser

Financial Officer Call Carrie

Provides overall financial management and human resource support for the organization. Project budget and development tracking.


The staff at District III is experienced in dealing with all types of technical issues. Please contact the staff via our general email below or contact the individual directly. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm (closed noon-1pm), closed holidays.


1808 Summit St Yankton SD 57078


PO BOX 687 Yankton SD 57078


(605) 665-4408 ; (800) 952-3562

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